The awesome Dawn Wright-Ellis. Always a pleasure!

The awesome Dawn Wright-Ellis. Always a pleasure!

Several weeks ago I was sitting at my desk, starting into the ether of text, pixels and the incredible beauty of Windows 10 as I got an email from one of my old friends from a few years back.

She actually replied to one of my ‘Awesome Marketing Insights’ emails (she must have been on my email list for years) asking about attending the Australian British Chamber of Commerce (which is wonderful) and it got us talking just like old times.

Very quickly, we both instantaneously agreed to meeting up for brunch and it was just like old times. The awesome Dawn Wright-Ellis is a very tall, sophisticated, intelligent and brilliant HR Consult & Recruiter that I have all the time in the world for (she is also British).

We had a great meeting that I think went for almost 2 hours as the time just flew by as we caught up on old stories and reconnected. Interestingly as we spoke, she gave me a massive perspective on how I have grown and changed for the better over the years. I was also fortunate to get into the Chambers and pass on my profitable insights to Dawn.

I have found over the years in business is that it’s critical we stay connected to friends. Be it through our email marketing, or at the very least on say Facebook and LinkedIn. You may lose each other in the short term as life picks up, but for whatever reason you end up reconnecting.

For me in many cases like this; it has led to me getting new clients, more referrals and also being able to pass referrals to them as well. I think as well that depending on how fast we advance (I have moved quickly), a lot of people who wouldn’t have taken me as seriously a few years ago – see me in a very different light. That is fair and reasonable actually; I am the first to admit that when I started out was that I had much to learn.

My advice and thinking? Old friend’s rock! We do lose contact with people as the fog of life takes over but when you get a chance to reconnect TAKE IT!

It’s a great win / win for all and I love it.

Thank you Dawn, you rock and thank you for the read – stay awesome friends!



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