Promotional Products I am sure are older than I am and are one of my Favourite ‘Grass Roots’ Marketing Devices of all time! Love it and helped me build my business from day 1!
During my morning walk (on a chilly Tuesday, Sydney Winter Morning) I saw a great post come through on Facebook. From the Writer and Creator Anna Kochetkova, I consulted to her and the amazing ATB Team last week and as I like doing in my visits – left them some of my finest Branded Coffee Cups.
Even though I am obviously a massive fan of Blogging, Article Writing and Online – I still very much practice and drive “Grass-Roots and Real-World” Marketing. The Coffee Cups I give out are an easy $10 each and quite easily I will give out 20 – 30 of these per month. In seeing the pleasant image and reflecting back on starting out in my business – branded coffee cups I have done from early days.
Quite often when I am meeting with clients, I often recommend more the “Grass Roots” / “Real World” marketing before I hit online. The reality is for this that Online, successful sign ups / new clients can take quite a while.
Face to Face is incredibly powerful (and when one is still building their reputation) – quite often yields the best results as quickly as possible. Here are some of my tips and love for promotional products:
1) Make sure they are interesting and useful: I have received many promotional gifts that are either blatant advertising / not very cool or are just strange items that you will use maybe 3 times in your life. Why did I pick simple coffee cups with just my crazy graphics? So it’s fun and can be used all the time.
2) Hand them out to the right people: Coffee Cups at $10 is not handing out lollies, so I make sure they only go out in Face to Face meetings or at special events. They are quite valuable for sure!
3) High quality items: I don’t agree with the cheap promotional goods. I think they often do more damage than good – and I would rather hand out nothing, than something of great value.
4) They get seen for a long time: Using coffee cups as an example, they get seen for a long time and great gifts you a way of just staying in people’s minds while you aren’t in the room.
So there you go and Online Marketing rocks as much as traditional marketing. And of course if you want to learn more about both – make sure you visit my Sales & Marketing Course, “The Awesome Marketing Vault” right here. Instant Access!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves promotional goods!
2 Responses
Hi Ed, guess what? Your mug graces my bathroom! I use it to store our toothbrushes and toothpaste. Pride of place on glass ledge next to mirror.
That is very funny and it’s amazing where the Crazy Persian Cup can go! Glad you love it 🙂