Whenever I think about getting on the phone, Maxwell Smart comes to mind. He gets it!

Whenever I think about getting on the phone, Maxwell Smart comes to mind. He gets it!

As I write this blog, I am sitting at the wonderful Novotel Parramatta at 8:38AM in the morning.

As I drink my nice Long Black Coffee (2 shots of coffee with hot water), I am thinking about my life, business and the great things that have gone down.

I am even thinking about the missed opportunities and what I have learned from business over the years that have accelerated my success.

What I can tell you wonderful friends is this; chasing up people on the phone is critical. It’s seriously critical!

Email, SMS, FB Messenger and the like has its place and I love it and all; but nothing beats calling up someone. I shall be doing that this morning in that a phone call is far better and more likely to get a response than sending someone an online message.

I like using all these media to speak to people, however if I really want a response then I go for the phone.

My advice and thinking?

Phone calls friend! I like to call up a few people every day all the time and it just works. Highly recommended. I am not saying you spend hours calling up people (although you may at times), just call few people a day all the time.

It adds up and just works! Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome friends!

P.S. Nod to Maxwell Smart, only the best Spy ever who gets it. 



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