Being ‘Generous’ is not only the right thing to do, it’s one profitable marketing strategy. Trust me on this one…
Hello Awesome People!
You probably don’t need me to tell you that we live in a competitive world today.
Be it from the workplace, to getting into a lift during peak hour, right through to pitching to clients – living in a big city (like Sydney) is a testament to competition & capitalism.
I spent lots of time in Sydney CBD and you see all extremes of capitalism playing out. From cool retailers competing for your dollar, to the ‘Not Annoying at All’ Charity collectors harassing you in the street – as a Marketer you see some really good stuff play out over and over again.
One key trend we deal with all the time are people being worn out being ‘Asked for stuff’. This is especially a big challenge for those awesome people marketing charities. There is a lot of competition for getting people to donate and you often get ‘Donor Fatigue’ being that people are over charities or they have already given and don’t feel like giving anymore.
I think this all comes down to a bigger issue in that people (including me at times) can feel like the world is always just asking for stuff and giving little in return.
This sets up my whole argument, what if you did the opposite? That is – in your business found a way to give to people for free / low cost in a commercially viable manner? What would that do people’s heads? How cool would it make you look?
Well, I know the answers to these questions because that is how I built my successful business and I have advised many awesome clients to do the same with amazing results. I have been giving away my thinking, ideas and strategies on the house for years through things such as this blog you are reading now, coffee chats, Live Webinars and Free Live Events (such as our highly acclaimed ‘Profitable Marketing Forum’ that was on yesterday).
Every time I have given away something, I have always been rewarded back much more and it’s awesome. Besides it being good from a spiritual viewpoint, talking pure dollars & cents – it’s been a vital strategy that makes logical sense.
Let’s put it this way – you are say wanting to hire someone to help you in your business and both visit you in your office:
– One comes in and hard sells you, doesn’t give anything and messes you around – unless you sign their contract of course.
– The other is kind, helpful, gives you some tips on the house that solves some problems.
It’s pretty obvious who you would hire and the latter person has been the avatar as to how I have built my own business over the years.
My lesson and thinking from all this? Being ‘generous’ is a great marketing strategy. The more you give is the more you get. Try it and I promise you will love it (and help people at the same time). You may consider common approaches such as Live Webinars, Free Events and even a blog – perfect examples of this!
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault”
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia signing out – Stay Awesome!!
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor and Business Leader who have worked for a very long time in Marketing and loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners get more clients.
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