Edward Zia (me) and my buddy and colleague Kat Tate. Being Single made us lose weight – and improve our sales. Yay!
This is so true. I have lost over 22kg in the past year and been hitting the gym quite often and am looking good! I don’t mean to be arrogant or anything, as it’s taking me a lot of work to really keep the weight off. One key thing that I have personally noticed and my Friend & Strategic Partner Kat Tate has noticed too – as that as we have lost weight and started looking better, we feel better, become more confident and guess what – sell better!
We have both been recently made single my circumstances in life and in parallel have been making similar decisions. That is, going out again, losing weight and looking after our health. We have noticed that we are selling better and if you sit back (not even visiting academic research backing this) it makes quite logical sense. If you look better and am more confident OF COURSE you are going to sell more! If you are an entrepreneur too and in your own business, selling is one of the critical skills that without a good base here – you are doomed to mediocrity at best.
So it’s true and I have proven it myself. Being 22kg overweight sent a clear message to the market that I am undisciplined, gave me lower energy and probably cost me at least $20,000 worth of sales. In fact, my conversion rate has sky rocketed too! So there you go – please don’t think I am having a rant against fat people, or there aren’t any fat people that sell lots – but I am telling you, if your weight is a problem and you aren’t selling what you think you should be – LOSE IT and get healthy. I promise it will help your numbers big time.
Thanks for reading this fine article from yourself truly, I better watch what I eat after sitting on my high horse – and of course, check out our Awesome Marketing Vault for some powerful Marketing & Business Strategies!
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