Thank you Awesome Friends for your support and my prices are going up for New Clients 1st November 2014. Feel free to get in early and capture my rates!
Yes it’s happened finally. The rising costs of living in Sydney, the feedback of many saying “Edward you are too cheap” and also my Finance People telling me to make my rates more reflective of the Market (as I have “Yes” been undercharging big time).
If you know me personally, you know I always do my best to keep my prices as competitive as possible and in line with market conditions. I hold on as long as I can – and of course I PROMISE to continue the hard work for all of you wonderful people out there.
As I totally love loyalty and reward that way, this price increase DOES NOT IMPACT my awesome existing active clients. For New Clients coming in November 1st 2014 onwards, my rates are going up to the following:
– Hourly Rate: $295 / Hour + GST
– Awesome Marketing & Mentoring Support (2 Hours / Month): $495 + GST
– Awesome Marketing & Mentoring Consulting (4 Hours / Month): $745 + GST
– Awesome Marketing & Mentoring Outsourcing (8 Hours / Month): $1395 +GST
* All prices quoted in Australian Dollars (AUD)
So existing active clients, you got nothing to worry about and for my future clients to be – Thank you in advance for your kind understanding.
If you are in the edge of hiring me, feel free to get in right now and lock in my current rates going onwards.
You rock Awesome Business Community! Thank you for your support in letting me have an awesome business helping people and getting paid for it.
Edward Zia – Thankful and Grateful Marketing Mentor!
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