As made famous in the Assassins Creed Video Games – It reflects heavily on big moments in history where the players life is influenced forever. The trick is making it for the better!
10:27PM, Pullman Hotel Sydney. Just had an amazing dinner with Jude downstairs and we were both reflecting in life about how life just simply changes. Positive, Negative, Good, Bad (with everything else in between) it’s funny how life can go on and all “of a sudden” something happens that makes a fundamental change.
This article will be released as I am busy doing my first Awesome Business Boot Camp and Martha Arifin (who I am running it with) and I have received amazing support from the community. I have been working for 6 months on this project and I so can’t wait till it comes out tomorrow and I know it’s going to be one of those “Awesome Days” where my life will totally change and I will leave a totally different person.
I have had many friends have their first baby’s, lose long-term relationships (like me in 2013), buy homes, lose homes and I think it’s these experiences that makes one reflect as to the speed at which life goes. As a 35 year old man now, I am no longer a Spring Chicken and already I am thinking that before long I will be an awesome 60 year old. This type of perspective has given me a new appreciation for the temporary nature of life on earth.
Besides me being a Christian and lover of JC – massive events get me thinking about the direction of my life. Is it going the right way? The wrong way and most importantly:
– What decisions can I make tomorrow to make it go the way I want?
Do I eat that extra cookie? Do I go to the gym? Do I work harder? Do I slacken off? I have finally learned that I think in life it’s quite often the “Little Changes” we make in life that make the big differences.
My advice? If this article resonates with you, please think about where you are going in life and makes sure that the changes that “Come your way” are for the better. I think it’s all those little things that make the most massive differences.
Wish me luck if you read this before 9AM, Saturday 5th April 2014 – my first Awesome Business Boot Camp is on – and my life is so going to change forever!
Thank you from Edward Zia -Marketing Mentor and Persian Man who has lived many lives x x
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