Jeffrey Hinks today at Awesome Business Boot Camp. I so love his work, right down on his belly dedicated to taking awesome shots. Thank you Jeff! An awesome fellow I am glad to be friends with!
My life USED TO SUCK 3 years ago. These days I THINK IT’S AWESOME and I have tons of great people in my life right now. My Under Graduate was a Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemistry) and I used to be quite a technical thinker.
I was then one of those traitors that jumped the fence and wound up in Sales and then Full Time Awesome Marketing Roles. This Technical Training to this day has been a great benefit to my thinking in helping me understand “Mechanisms” or the “How” as to things work.
As a Chemist especially, it’s all about understanding complex reactions, how things fit together and from incomplete data at times – trying to understand some type of process. In my own life and especially as a Marketing Mentor, when I LOSE I like to know why and equally when I WIN I like to know why!
I think too many out there tend to over analyze losses and under analyze wins. That is:
– “If I lose, I suck and I better learn” and
– “If I win, I got lucky so no need to think about it”.
This is really bad and I think Win or Lose – ONE MUST UNDERSTAND the natural process and thinking behind it. Lately my life has been full of Wins, it is working “All of a Sudden” and that suppressed in Scientist is asking “How and Why?”.
Today we had our Awesome Business Boot Camp in Pullman Hotel, Olympic Park. An amazing turnout, great people, amazing interactions and I am so humbled with the reviews coming in over Facebook right now.
I think there are a few reasons for my success and here they are:
– The Good People in my life!
– The Great People in my life!
– The Awesome People in my life!
The great people and support in my life make all the difference and I think most would agree that – “Being surrounded by the right people makes the difference!” Besides many hiring me, they life me up and support me big time.
But how did I get surrounded by them? What was done to build this community around me? How on earth did I get “Lucky?”.
My thinking is that I am lucky! But also it was the change in my own mindset a few years ago that helped mark my turning point. I gave more, listened more, took less and with the little resources I had at the time – did my best to give to people. Surprise, Surprise! It works. If you give without expecting you make some awesome friends. They in turn make your life awesome.
And of course as you have an awesome life it makes you want to give back more and so on.
My advice? If your life is rocking – I bet it’s because your surrounded by awesome people. If not, I bet you aren’t surrounded by awesome people. If you aren’t, please consider getting out there, meeting more great people and ALWAYS BEING THE FIRST TO GIVE.
This may in terms of your time, paying for coffee, kindness or giving them a hint that totally solves one of their problems.
My success right now? A function of the wonderful people around me!
Thank you from Edward Zia! A Happy and slightly fatigued Marketing Mentor after one Sweet Awesome Business Boot Camp!
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