Networking like you are a lunatic! When done correctly in a way where you help people, Business Networking is a Top Strategy we say!
Yes, I have said it. I am a Lunatic now and there are plenty of people out there that would probably judge me as “Yes, Edward is brilliant and you can trust him, but yeah – he is a bit of a lunatic”. This week has been quite an extreme week for me. I just got back from Manila last week completing an awesome business trip and this week I have got 8 x Networking Events in total to go to. Yes, in addition to my awesome clients, online marketing, blogging 8 x Events.
As a quick sell too, want to learn more about Business Networking? Check out my Awesome Marketing Vault for brilliant Small Business Marketing Strategies covering this topic x x
Okay, now I have finished selling to you – back to my article. Going to 8 x Business Networking Events (where I am running about 4 x of them) is a lot of hard work and long hours. in fact, it’s 6:13AM as a I write this article on the topic. The reason why I do it though is that Networking at this level (every now and then) is just amazing for ones business. It’s only Wednesday morning and I have already met over 100 Plus people this week using this as one of my favourite Marketing Strategies (which is also a lot of fun).
Talking to my slimming minority of critics on this issue, I have had a lessening number of people criticize the advice I give them about Business Networking. I used to have plenty of people, even a close friend who turned on me in 2013 that had very questionable quality products at inflated prices (who I told many times to review it) that instead of taking responsibility for their own life, lack of ethics and quality – just blamed it on all Networking events across town. Lately I have noticed the pool of critics are really shrinking or going quiet – mostly because a lot wind up back in Full Time Employment or they know too many successful people themselves who love networking that purely negates their view.
Talking more to the positive as I consider my critics “Ants at a Picnic” these days (they used to quite upset me actually, another story for another time) if you are in business and in particular you are early on – Business Networking is a very important strategy. You may even have weeks like mine where you say go to plenty of events each week to help promote yourself, meet potential clients, suppliers and make new friends so you can refer business to each other.
Yes, you may have to get up early and get home late at night. I am not a fan of that as in fact I am a morning person and after about 8PM at night I turn into a zombie – but I know it’s great for my business and great for those who I speak with. So if you are in Sydney let’s say looking for Networking Events, check out some of my top favourites:
4Networking Australia: I love these guys!
Parramatta Chamber: A brilliant 110+ year old Chamber!
Squeeze Business Networking: Our Open Networking Event!
I trust that helps with your journey and happy networking! If you need a hand too, feel free to drop me a line and check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” that covers this topic.
There you go! Have I sold to you enough today? If so many apologies – it’s now 6:21AM and probably a nice Long Black Espresso Coffee will pick me up for a fun long day. Business Networking at times can be hard work, but I can promise you that if you are in the right environment, with the right product, with the right contribution driven ethics – you are up for a profitable and fun time.
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Networking Man!
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