Nothing better than sitting back and reflecting on what you should do in your business and what you probably should not be doing! Sell what you love and what the market wants and is willing to pay for in my book!
8,200+ words now and this chapter is of massive importance to myself and I feel many people out there! I hope you enjoy this one and enjoy the read. Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor!
11. Decide on what you are Going to Do and NOT Do!
When we all start our Small Businesses the first natural thing to do is to offer ALL of our Products or Services. I think the reasons we do this are related to the critical question “What does the market want?”
Let’s say you are running a Coffee and Sandwich Shop. Sure – you have a fair idea that people drink coffee and like sandwiches, but what type of sandwiches do they prefer? What type of coffee? Will they buy muffins? Vanilla Slice? Do you need to sell Potato Chips as well? What about Freshly Squeezed Juices? Iced Coffees? Etc.
As we start off with this often level of low understanding of the markets needs and wants, we just offer everything and often the Market Tells us what they like. Let’s say extending the Coffee Shop example, very few buy Muffins, Potato Chips and always lean towards the Freshly Squeezed Juices and the like – easy information and feedback! Just drop all the unhealthy food and really focus on the health options as the market is TELLING you what it wants through sales results.
The same goes if you are in Professional Services of some form as well – basically selling your knowledge for money. If you are say a Coach – what skill are you selling? Is it more Goal Setting, Motivational type of Work, Workshops, Public Speaking or Counselling? Let’s say people don’t you like listening to their problems, but want you to motivate them and give them sales tips. You may turnaround and call yourself a “Sales Coach” instead of a “Motivational Coach” if that is the feedback you get.
Talking me personally as well – when I started my business I was very much the same. I got some not so good advice and went to the market as a “Business & Mindset Coach” – thinking I had to do everything! Before long (as in line with my Corporate Experience and Post Graduate Qualifications) people saw me as a Marketing Mentor – so that is what I became! I also made some big decisions as well as to what not to do. As I hold a Specialized Skill set I don’t do general motivation or goals. It would be like a Heart Surgeon diagnosing people with colds – not the right fit.
Think about yourself and your own business? What are you doing? What do you like? What will the market pay for? And of course, what do you want to deliver? This brings me to our next insight:
Crazy Persian’s Small Business Marketing Tip #11:
“Work out your Specialty ASAP and Just Market That!”
You may already be in business and right now you already know! A common example is in the Website Industry where you can get “Cheap Websites” (say under $1,000). I have worked with many in that space who one day wake up saying “NO MORE!”
That is, they actively decide to focus on Premium Websites and what the market really wants in the higher levels. The higher margin gives them the living they want and also the payment for their time to make their clients rocking websites.
My advice? Start thinking about what you like and don’t like and tweak your business to suit! Don’t just drop things, but gradually tweak / refine your business to offer exactly what you want and to ensure you get paid what you deserve!
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