I am also more productive working from home than in an office. My Director of Operators holds me to account and he is highly valued!
As I start writing this blog it’s literally 12:10AM – now Wednesday Morning. I am sure my critics right now are saying “Yeah – you suck Ed, you work too hard” and my awesome fans who I totally love back (as my critics suck x x) are saying “Yes Ed, you rock and I do some late nights too!”
I am not the only one to think this as many of my awesome peers to the same – Corporate Employees don’t work as hard as us AWESOME BUSINESS OWNERS! Yes, I am sticking it to the Corporates and also my old-self when I was an employee and not as lucky and blessed like I am today. When I was an employee (save for a few awesome jobs) – I was in some really bad environments, especially after my career turned sour post Global Financial Crisis and I was in working situations that I never would have been caught dead in during the pre-2009 “Milk and Honey Days”.
Even though I was a hard-working employee, my motivation is now 300% times that right now as I am here now at 12:19AM still writing and I will have my alarm set at 5:30AM this morning to continue my fine awesome day by visiting 4Networking Bella Vista. Where does my energy come from? Do I like staying up late at night?
The answer is OF COURSE NOT – however, when you are doing what you truly love, you love doing it so much the fact that you are staying up just doesn’t bother you. In fact, I find my work “Not Work” and super energizing for sure!
Comparing this to my old life as a Corporate – the excessive workload was a burden and I can understand why in hindsight. If I was say getting pushed around and a raw deal – why on earth should I sacrifice my own personal life so Fat Cat can get Fatter and Poor Edward “Persian” Zia can work extra hard just to send my boss on a holiday.
There are some exceptions to my “Attack” on the Corporate World. I was very lucky to work for an amazing man by the name of Mike Davey from Wrest Point Casino. This job as the highlight of my career and he was an amazing boss. Under his leadership, the long hours were just great and I loved it! So even though I was an “Employee” there I was getting great professional development that made it worthwhile.
I think as well in being a Business Owner you get to KEEP ALL THE REWARDS. You aren’t doing it to keep your paltry wage – but you know the more work you put in, the better your own circumstances will be in terms of supporting yourself and your family. Ultimately – as a Business Owner / Entrepreneur the buck does stop with you – but it is also equally created by you.
My advice on this one? If you are in business and you aren’t full the “Super Motivation” it’s time to stop and ask questions. When did you start falling out of love with your business and how can you get back in the zone? It’s really important that you do. If you are a jaded employee like I once was – don’t make my mistake and sit there complaining. Either get out of there or start working on a plan to do so! Your life and wallet / purse will thank you one day when you kick butt!
Thank you on behalf of Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who finished writing this article at 12:30AM – February 26th 2014. Yeah!
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