Video Producer, Content Specialist and Author Geoff Anderson. I love his work!

Video Producer, Content Specialist and Author Geoff Anderson. I love his work!

It was many years ago I met this very sharp and awesome guy with whom I share some political differences with. Basically, I am Pro-Trump, he is Anti-Trump; or at the very least he presents to be Anti-Trump in his successful TROLLING and making total FUN of me.

As I give it out, I only deserve the love back and Geoff Anderson is a great man who I have become friends with over the years. He is a Video Producer, Content Specialist, Author and a ‘top bloke’ who attended one of my workshops.

He wrote the most humbling guest blog about his experience and I love the lesson he shares. I have worked through the same issues (and continue too in all honesty).

Enjoy his masterpiece:

When I attended one of Edward’s free marketing meetups last week, I was hoping to make a few connections, maybe even get a lead and perhaps pick up a tip or two from this prolific marketing mastermind.

As a video producer; I’m been very impressed with Edward’s relentless video posting on Facebook. Every day there he is with his cheery gems of wisdom. He wore me down and won me over. His marketing worked. I turned up at his workshop.

But I got so much more than expected. In the middle of all of Edward’s epic advice I got a wake up call. As much as I’d like to have more business and to be getting more sales, it wasn’t going to happen unless I put in the effort.

Edward revealed how much work and effort he puts into his marketing. He shared openly and generously his processes, his goals and his vision. It’s no accident that he shows up everywhere. He is committed to his action plan and lives and breathes it.

It made me realise how much I had to lift my game if I wanted to get the results. It wasn’t going to happen simply by wishing for it.

During the dinner meetup, we drafted out a 90 day marketing plan. It was a rough outline but it was enough to make me realise so many of the opportunities I hadn’t been acting upon.

I set bigger goals. I’m taking smarter action. I’m not waiting for things to happen, I’m making them happen.

Thanks for the kick up the backside Edward. You Rock!

Geoff Anderson

Video Producer, Author, Presenter

Geoff is a total legend of course and I invite you to visit his website, say hello and see what he has to offer.

Thank you Geoff, love your work and smash that like/share friends!



2 Responses

  1. Thanks Edward. A quick update. After taking more action in the right direction, I’m on target for an awesome start to the financial year. And that’s real news!

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