My latest KPIs have been great for my business! Feel free to copy them if they help you.

My latest KPIs have been great for my business! Feel free to copy them if they help you.

“Wax On, Wax Off”, “Discipline Daniel-Sun” are all these great 80’s terms that come to mind whenever I think about how becoming more Consistent and Disciplined.

Going down this path has totally changed my life for the better.  That is, in reflecting back – up until about the age of 26 I was very disciplined and then I thought I “Knew it all” and got very slack and lazy.  I started to think “I deserve this”, went too way too many Dodgy Get Rich Quick Seminars and in a few short years found myself without a cent to my name and very unemployed.

I do a lot of Online Products in my own business and do plenty of work around Sydney and one big issue I have found out there are people just being inconsistent when it comes to their life and in particular business.  I even had the short frustration of having some of these people (only 2 thank god!) as clients earlier in 2013 that just wanted to be rich – but weren’t committed to the process or what it took to become genuinely wealthy.

With thanks to my fine Accountant Simona – I just got my books back and my earnings are up $40k year on year and I am so happy about that.  As I reflect back why and this being the year of my life I have ever earned so much money – it has me really understanding the importance of being consistent and working to ones potential.

That is, in my own business – I have had a great strategy and all that, but a massive key driver to my own success has been consistency.  In my own case, I have followed strict KPIs (see the image) that is the shopping list I have to do each week in my business for it to work. I do take them totally seriously, because it made me lots of money and helped my life work big time!

Also if I think about my clients too – I have NO clients who are hardworking and consistent that have failed in business. NONE at all.  NOT even one.  But if I think about clients or people that I have worked with – the ones that never started, failed or remained mediocre were people that usually were inconsistent, drank the “Get Rick Quick Cool-Aid” like I once did, or are just lazy people that shouldn’t be in business.

Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but I think it’s true.  If you are running around town saying you are great at something (say a Professional Service) then you got to deliver the goods to the best of your ability to ethically honour the work you have taken on.  The good news, when people do they have a great reputation and get tons of referrals.  When they don’t they don’t!

But if you are like how I was only about 1 – 2 years ago and brilliant – but a “Bit Inconsistent” may I suggest putting in KPIs to help drive your behaviour.  You write a “Shopping List” of what you have to do each week – and make sure you get it done! Get someone to help hold you accountable and that I promise will make a massive difference to your performance and contribute to top results.

Hope you enjoy this read! Let us know if you need a hand and of course, if you are interested in more fine Business Building Strategies, check out the Awesome Marketing Vault right here!



2 Responses

    • Hi Alister! That is a great comment and measuring KPIs shouldn’t be that hard. If it is, it’s probably not a great KPI / Daily Ritual to follow. For example, my old ones were 3 x Networking Events per week – very easy to measure! Keep it simple my friend and break down your work into an easy “Weekly Shopping List”. Best way!

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