Small Business Marketing Ideas to me have always been abundant. The trick is knowing the best ones! My Awesome Travel Agent Suzzelle once set me overseas to explore that. I hope these learnings help you!
Small Business Marketing Ideas are out there in their hundreds if not thousands! When I first started my business I remember what drove me insane was that there were so many ideas and it took me time to really distill and figure out the best ones for my business. This was a tricky one in the sense in that I was helping people with their Marketing and I was still figuring out how to Market myself at the same time.
I pushed myself to explore this topic as quickly as possible and quite often I get asked today in very simple terms “Edward, what did you do Marketing wise to get your business rocking?”.
In short, these are the Top 7 x Small Business Marketing Strategies and Thoughts that worked well for me, there are plenty more and I trust these stimulate some great thoughts in your own fine business:
1) Business Networking: You can’t beat this exciting topic of business. Going to events, connecting with hundreds of business owners was a great way for me to build my Sales Skills, Get Referral Partners and Great Clients.
2) Premium Image: Nothing I think is worse than thin tacky business cards or poorly written documentation. Even though I lacked the dollars at the start, I got some awesome business cards nice and early. About 6 – 12 months later, I had my Corporate Profile Professionally Printed. This really helped!
3) Nice Website: Didn’t have to be much, but a beautiful professional website helped me out a long way.
4) Forever Tweaking / Changing: My original concept came across as a bit “Angry” and it tended to alienate people more than it did to attract them. Over time as I become “Happier” (both in real life and in my business image) I tweaked it and this has helped a massive way in this regard).
5) LinkedIn: Loved it as a great opening move and it was a brilliant way of taking my Business Networking out of the room. Great platform and very cost effective.
6) Facebook: I didn’t use this platform to much later, but it’s brilliant!
7) Live Webinars and Events: These were outstanding for me. I do Live Webinars each month and have organized many events in my time (inside and outside of 4Networking). This is a very important aspect of leveraging ones time to speak to more and more people at once!
Many more points also include Email Marketing, Partner Networking, Facebook Advertising and workshops – however these were the opening brilliant ones that made the massive difference for me.
My advice? Have a think about what I have written and consider what is “Awesome” for you. There may be several ideas that just resonate with you – so go for it and try something new in your business tomorrow.
Thank you for reading this article and Happy Days Awesome Friends! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves Great Ideas!
2 Responses
Hi Edward,
You have shared so many no-nonsense marketing ideas here…. all for free!
The “Forever Tweaking” one is so obvious but it is interesting that it can also be left undone for a while if we are not doing marketing strategically.
Thanks for your incredible insights and generous sharing, Edward!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Thank you Viola and love your reply! In total agreeance and building on your ideas I find that quite often when things aren’t working on a “Ground Level” something “Strategically Wrong” can be going on. I think the trick is to always be reviewing / forever improving. I have found this has not only worked for hundreds I give that advice too, but me personally! Love you work Viola Tam and keep it up 🙂