Some very intense late night weight training! Fitness is the best Small Business Marketing Strategy I reckon!
Yes that is exactly what I mean! Working out at the gym has been one of my Top Strategies for Making Money and improving my overall success! It has been an amazing Marketing Device for me too and the proof / case is easy to make. You are reading my article right now about me working out at the gym. That is, without me doing any extra work hundreds over the year will be consuming this article and thinking about “Edward The Crazy Persian!”
I also want to dedicate this article to the amazing Nutritionist and Operator Fiona Kane. I once met her for a coffee chat and she gave me some amazing laser targeted advice about my health and what I was doing wrong. She has been there as a great support in not only a “Don’t eat this Ed fashion” but really helping me end my own eating problems. So thank you Fiona!
I am actually writing this article at 10:28PM Saturday night, right after a great workout and I feel great. I have been thinking about writing this article for sometime now in that I think the link between “Physical Health / Making Money” hasn’t been made that strongly. Sure – people believe that being healthy and fit is “Good for you” and a “Good thing to do”, but putting my Persian Marketing logic on it – does it make money?
It’s a very easy case to justify when you look at Celebrities, Personal Trainers, Models and Even Mentors / Coaches. People simply expect us to be physically healthy and fit. When we are not, it makes our whole sell more questionable. If anything and I have an article coming up aimed at these guys – one big contradiction I have seen is Fitness First. They are a large gym chain in Australia that has recently been in trouble and I used to be a member there before leaving on upset terms and going to Anytime Fitness. As they did some really mean things to me – I will explain it more in a post and I remember the Five Dock Fitness First I went too, I was in better health than most of the staff there.
I mean really? You are selling fitness and even a Marketer like me is better off? That is a negative example, but using a more positive example I am going to talk about my own personal success. Right now, I weight about 82kg, I am 5’11 and I think I would have about 20% body fat. Sure, I could be in better shape – but this has been the best shape of my life and I totally love it. I was about 99kg about 1 year ago and I was in really bad shape. It made me:
– Lethargic, Unattractive, Unable to wear nice clothes, Sweaty in 20 Degrees and tired by 8:30PM
After taking some real (but well-deserved) personal relationship setbacks last year, it kicked me into action and made be really work on my health. I got to the gym and walk at least 4 x times per week and over a period of 6months it has helped me enrich my life and my business on multiple levels.
In terms of business, it has helped with my work productivity, my own looks and appearance, makes me look like the real deal and improved my sales conversion rate. That is – I MAKE MONEY out of being healthy and fit in that it makes me feel better about myself so I can sell better. So that is, being Fit is helping me make money – so I call that an amazing Small Business Marketing Strategy.
In terms of happiness and morale it has been amazing too! My advice? Regardless of what you do, make your health an important part of your life. It enhances everything be it you are still escaping the workforce or have been in your own business for a while! I wish I did it earlier and a top strategy it is!
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you are quite unfit / unhealthy like I was, please be kind to yourself. It may take 6 – 9 months of healthy eating / living to get the body and health you want. Take your time, please don’t crash diet like I did – IT DOES NOT WORK as it fails to create sustainable habits. Bit by bit, change your life to last your whole life.
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves being healthy!
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