Always great to question where ones time is going in business, otherwise you can work really hard and have almost nothing in the bank account! Trust me on that one, I have learned that the hard way!
“Should I be doing this? Is this Good for My Business? Where is my Time Going?” – These questions I think we very important to be continually asked when one is in business, especially for themselves! After getting through the “Survival” stage in my own business and moving onto more management, growth, balance and automation these questions have become more relevant over time.
When you are starting out, you can’t really ask these questions to much and you can’t be that picky in who you work with. I have found many people in start-up phase who do that to wind up back at work and I think the reality is that you have to do some things you may not “Want” to do, but you just “Have” too at the start.
As the storyline unfolds I have found the issues really change. Getting meetings or clients is not the issue for me anymore, but keeping up quality, making sure I am working with the “Right” people and I am building process and automation (along with having a life) is the awesome challenge.
In my own experience and the awesome thousands I have worked with, I find that if we aren’t careful we can wind up in “Stupid Projects”, getting used by other people, working for people who won’t pay your invoices (but are always promising too) and basically costing yourself lots of potential funds.
I have learned myself and actively promote the idea of being reasonable, but also questioning what you are doing and how you are spending your time. Before I do anything these days or if I am reviewing something, I like to ask things like:
– “Is this good for my business?”
– “Is there something better I should be doing?”
– “Am I on the right track here?”
They aren’t from an insecurity perspective, but just a reality check to make sure I am not burning time or wasting potential hours. Looking back over the past two years I have succeeded which is great and keeping up that success is another issue. I am more and more convinced that by having these “Mental Filters” in place it can make life much better, easier and profitable.
My advice? If this logic resonates with you, there are probably areas of your business that need some work. This is a good thing and start questioning what you are doing. Get out of projects that aren’t serving you, finish up people who aren’t paying you (and replace them with those that do) and focus on what really matters!
Happy days and nights awesome friends and speak soon! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor.
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